Seurana in English

The company Seurana, which offers companions for the elderly, mainly employs retirees who know how it feels to be a senior feeling lonely or needing help.

Support and company for elderly people all over Finland

Do you have somewhere in Finland an aged relative who is lonely? Would you like to receive information every week on how he or she is doing?

Seurana provides you an opportunity to hire friendly company for your elderly family member. The content of the meetings is always tailored to meet the person’s wishes: it may include spending time outdoors, shopping, reminiscing, looking at photos, singing or cooking. Companion visits bring joy to the elderly and cheer them up.

After each visit, we will send you news with a photo. You will always receive information on how your family member is doing.

The weekly meetings take usually 2 hours, and the elderly person is always accompanied by the same familiar companion, who is also of retirement age.

The price of the service is € 39,95/hour. Those living and paying their taxes in Finland are eligible for a 60 % deduction of household expenses for the companion service.

Book the Seurana service from Karoliina, tel. +358 50 366 1900 or

The story of Seurana

In 2016, Mirka Saarinen tried to arrange company for her grandfather Sulo, who was living in a care home; someone to chat with him and take him out.

Since she did not succeed in her efforts, she decided to set up a company called Seurana (“As Company”). It provides companions for elderly people around Finland to talk with, accompany them to hobbies or run errands for them.

“You can order our services for elderly people who perhaps only need someone to talk to, to look at photo albums, do crossword puzzles or have coffee with. Or support for someone who needs help with handling matters at Kela (the Social Insurance Institution), visiting the eye doctor or hairdresser.”

”We also attend concerts with elderly people or do other fun things you usually do with friends. However, you can’t hire our support person to do house cleaning or medical treatments.”

Read the whole story in Suomen Silta magazine 1/2021, starting on page 31 >


Seurana on Suomen ensimmäinen vanhusseurapalvelu, jonka tarkoituksena on tarjota vertaistuellista seuraa yksinäisille vanhuksille kaikkialla Suomessa.


Kuukausittain ajankohtaista asiaa onnellisesta vanhuudesta


    Yleiset yhteydenotot: 050 552 9449 (arkisin 9-16)
    Myynti: 050 366 1900
    Toimitusjohtaja: 040 555 3235

    Heikkiläntie 7 A, 3. krs, 00210 Helsinki
    Y-tunnus: 2797210-9


    Seuranan tietosuojaseloste >>

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